The above is a look at the new scanner from Uniden that will be released (pending FCC approval) on October 1st, 2010.
It is one of the new type of scanners that has a database [from Radio Reference] installed in the scanner from the factory. As the video above indicates, all you have to do is enter the zip code where you are at, and the scanner will presnt you with a series of menu choices that will allow you to select what type of radio traffic you are interested in monitoring. Oh, did I mention that it has no keyboard? Interaction is accomplished via a touchscreen.
IF you are interested in learning more about this scanner, please visit the website Uniden has set up [visit Home Patrol] for the scanner, complete with a blog and an online community.
I'm starting this blog as an adjunct to my tweet account @WNCscan to post frequencies, photos and recordings of public safety activity in western North Carolina and beyond. I'll post frequencies that I have gathered, frequencies that you contribute, and link to sources of frequencies and blog about gear that you can use to monitor public safety communications.
I currently have only one physical scanner, a Uniden Bearcat BC95XLT Nascar handheld scanner. I also listen to various scanner feeds that have been posted on the Internet. I'll be posting links to them as well. Perhaps I'll even be posting a feed of my own since the feed provider in Macon County has withdrawn the feed. The problem with that is that I live in a section of the county where I cannot hear much of the local radio traffic that is broadcast from Wine Springs Bald, nor can I hear the VIPER network, which the North Carolina Highway Patrol is using, and some local law enforcement and fire department traffic is migrating there as well.
So, what do you listen to, and how do you listen to it?