

Macon County Public Safety

County-wide Fire Dispatch Channel is 453.350

Unit Callsigns

FP units  Franklin Police Officers. FP-1 is the Police Chief.
100  Franklin-based units of Macon County EMS
200  HIghlands-based units of Macon County EMS
300  Nantahala-based units of Macon County EMS
1000 Macon County Emergency Management Director 1001 & 1002 are subordinates

Macon County VFD callsign assignments

Chiefs are designated by appending 01 to the station number, members are assigned numbers between 01 and 49 that are appended to the station number. The chief is 01 and trucks are assigned numbers 50 and above. Auxiliary members may be assigned numbers in the 90-99 range.

Tactical Frequencies are often used by the departments to communicate at the scene or for non-emergency purposes to keep the dispatch channel clear, especially when more than one incident is being worked.

1100 Franklin
1200 Highlands 453.200
1300 Clarks Chapel 460.2625
1400 Otto 453.6625
1500 Burningtown
1600 Cullasaja 453.950
1700 West Macon 453.700
1800 Cowee 453.125
1900 Scaly Mountain
2000 Macon County Arson Investigation Team
3200 Nantahala 453.175
3300 Mountain Valley 453.7375

Frequencies that are either unassigned or the main operator is unknown (If these frequencies are reserved for a particular VFD, I am unaware of it, and would appreciate corrections).
